Monday 11 November 2013

Start The Project

After we done Our presentation, now I move to the next step, which is start make the project. I start from the first page. This is few screen shot of doing animation for the first page

In this part, I set the keyframe for the text and also for the dj set and the melody. I still find the way to do the mouse over part.

Creating an animation pop up for the Song Tag, something like now playing

This is Buzz. Buzz is one of the javascript to let us to put the music by using action script. We need to download the file, so later it can be used in Adobe Edge

I already put the music by using BUZZ for html 5, since Adobe Edge can't put music into the file, so I use Buzz for the Music..The first step after downloading the file from Buzz is Create an action script and type the code(script).

Create a folder named Sound, and put the music inside that.

Add more script by using NOTEPAD below the <head>Home</head>

After that, Adobe will ask to save change, and do the reload. After that, try to preview in Browser, then the sound will be playing.

This is the video for my First Page, It's not 100% finished, but I try to finish this page on this week